CVI Platform and Competition — Update for January 14th

3 min readJan 14, 2021


On December 30th, we launched the beta version of the CVI trading platform.

In order to encourage users to test the platform before it goes live on MainNet, we are hosting an incentivized trading competition on the CVI platform. Participants will share rewards for a total of 150K $GOVI.

Here are some key insights of what happened on the platform since we have started the competition:


  • More than 1500 users are now participating in the competition and are testing the system. We are collecting valuable insights and ideas which will be implemented on MainNet.
  • 14,472,856$ test USDT are locked into the platform. Of which: 6,610,8641$ are deposited in liquidity and 7,861,992$ is the current trading positions.
  • During this time, the CVI rose to an all-time high of 154.


Buyers of CVI (LONG CVI):

  • Most users of the platform (1072) have chosen to be Buyers of the index, meaning that they took the LONG position, expecting MORE market volatility.
  • The buyers’ positions size is: 7.86M USDT
  • As it turns out, those users were correct in their prediction, some profiting more than 74% in just 14 days
  • It’s worth mentioning that the collateral ratio, which is the ratio between the amount of all the buyers’ positions and the total liquidity available, is now at 72.2%. This is just below the threshold, so the buying premium fee is now zero.

Depositing Liquidity (SHORT CVI):

  • Users of the platform who anticipate LESS market volatility are depositing liquidity on the platform, essentially SHORTing the CVI on one hand and collecting substantial fees on the other hand.
  • 956 users have posted liquidity position in 6.6M$ test USDT
  • So far, as market volatility has actually grown, those users have lost about 36% on average

Fees and rewards

The platform has collected 51,030$ in fees so far. These fees, on MainNet, would have been distributed between the holders of $GOVI tokens who stake their tokens. This rater implies to quite a substantial annual income from fees to stakers of $GOVI


The CVI team is taking trades too! If you’d like to follow the team’s trading activity, check “The Crypto Trader” page on Twitter: @crypto_Vtrader

As the index is fully decentralized and the data is open market data, the team has no advantage over other traders and should be viewed as an advice (in fact, the team is not beating other traders so far…).

We’ll be updating on a daily basis on how the competition rolls on. Stay tuned!

For all of our updates and to join the conversation, be sure to check out CVI channels:




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CVI is a decentralized volatility index for the crypto space